- getAccountHolderEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.bankaccount.sepa.DirectDebitSepaUiComponent
- getAccountHolderEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.aciinstantpay.AciInstantPayUiComponent
- getAccountId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.VirtualAccount
- Returns id of a virtual account.
- getAccountNumberEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.aciinstantpay.AciInstantPayUiComponent
- getAciInstantPayCountry() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the country for ACI Instant Pay payment method.
- getActivityClass() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.affirm.AffirmProcessorResultContract
- getAffirmConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the AffirmConfig
- getAffirmError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getAfterpayPacificConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the configuration for AFTERPAY_PACIFIC payment method if it is set.
- getAfterpayPacificError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getAmazonPayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.amazonpay.AmazonPayPaymentParams
- Returns the Amazon Pay configuration.
- getAmazonPayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutPaymentBrandConfig
- Returns the configuration for the AmazonPay payment brand.
- getAmazonPayError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the amount value.
- getAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the amount.
- getAppSignature() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns app signature for the merchant app to be verified by the SDK.
- getAsyncCallbackFailedError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getAuthResponse() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns authentication response as JSON string required for launching in-app challenge screens.
- getAuthStatus() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns status of 3-D Secure authentication.
- getBancontactLinkAppNotInstalledError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getBancontactLinkAppSchemeUrlMissingError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getBankAccount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Token
- Returns the BankAccount if token contains it, otherwise null.
- getBankAccount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.bankaccount.token.BankAccountTokenUiComponentInteraction
- Returns bank account token details.
- getBaseUrl(Connect.ProviderMode) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.HttpUtils
- getBilling() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the BillingAddress.
- getBillingAddress() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.CardPaymentParams
- Returns the billing address of the customer.
- getBillingAddress() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.googlepay.GooglePayPaymentParams
- getBillingAddress() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the billing address which holds the address of the customer.
- getBinType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.BinInfo
- Returns the bin type PERSONAL or COMMERCIAL, if available.
- getBlikCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.blik.BlikPaymentParams
- Returns BLIK code.
- getBlikError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandInfo
- getBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the card brand.
- getBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.token.CardTokenUiComponentInteraction
- Returns the card token brand.
- getBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.bankaccount.token.BankAccountTokenUiComponentInteraction
- Returns the bank account token brand.
- getBrandConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the configuration for brands, if it is set.
- getBrandDetectionAppearanceStyle() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the brand detection appearance style.
- getBrandDetectionPriority() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the preferred order of the detected card brands to be shown under the card number text field.
- getBrandDetectionType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the type of automatic card brand detection to be used.
- getBrandInfoMap() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandsValidation
- getBrands() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns all the brands configured in BIP.
- getBrands() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.BinInfo
- Returns the related brands for bin.
- getBrandSpecificInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns the map of specific brand parameters needed for payment.
- getByName(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSkipCVVMode
- getByName(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutStorePaymentDetailsMode
- getByName(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutCardBrandsDisplayMode
- getByName(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSecurityPolicyMode
- getCallbackUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the callback URL string to send the params needed for 3-D Secure 2 authentication request.
- getCallbackUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.yookassa.YooKassaInfo
- Returns callback url if it's available.
- getCard() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Token
- Returns the Card if token contains it, otherwise null.
- getCard() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.token.CardTokenUiComponentInteraction
- Returns the card token details.
- getCardBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.googlepay.GooglePayPaymentParams
- Returns the actual card brand.
- getCardBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponentInteraction
- Returns the current card brand.
- getCardBrandInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandInfo
- getCardBrandInfo(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandsValidation
- getCardBrandsDisplayMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the mode for showing card brands on the payment method selection screen CheckoutCardBrandsDisplayMode.
- getCardExpiryDateEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getCardHolderEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getCardHolderInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns contents of the cardHolderInfo required for decoupled transactions.
- getCardInfoUpdateListener() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.SamsungPayConfig
- Returns the listener for card info update event in Samsung Pay custom payment sheet.
- getCardNumberEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getCardSecurityCodeEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.token.CardTokenUiComponent
- getCardSecurityCodeEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getCardValidationPattern(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandsValidation
- getCart() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the Cart .
- getCashAppPayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.afterpaypacific.CashAppPayPaymentParams
- Returns CashAppPayConfig.
- getCashAppPayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutPaymentBrandConfig
- Returns config for CASH_APP_PAY.
- getCashAppPayError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getChallengeCompletionCallbackUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the challenge completion callback URL.
- getChallengeUiTypes() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns supported UI types for displaying challenge screens.
- getCheckoutId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- getCheckoutId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.PaymentDetails
- Returns checkout id.
- getCheckoutId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the checkout id.
- getCheckoutInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.paymentmethodselection.PaymentMethodSelectionUiComponentInteraction
- getCheckoutSettingsMissedError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getCity() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- The town, district or city of the billing address Mandatory for 3D Secure v2.
- getCity() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The town, district or city of the shipping address.
- getClientConfigParam(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns string value of the custom parameter for the /n software
component. - getClientConfigParams() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- The map of all client config params which were set up using addClientConfigParam method.
- getComponentName() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the component name to handle intents from CheckoutActivity.
- getConfirmationUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.yookassa.YooKassaInfo
- Returns confirmation url if it's available.
- getConsumerLocale() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.AfterpayPacificConfig
- Returns the consumer locale.
- getContent() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImageDetail
- getContext() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.IPaymentProvider
- getCost() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The total amount of the shipping costs.
- getCountry() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- Returns the country of the billing address.
- getCountry() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The country of the shipping address
- getCountryCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- getCountryCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.MbWayConfig
- Returns the country code, the default value is '351'.
- getCreator() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- getCreator() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.bankaccount.BankAccountPaymentParams
- getCurrency() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the currency.
- getCurrencyCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the currency code.
- getCurrencyCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.cashapppay.CashAppPayConfig
- Returns the currencyCode.
- getCustomer() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The Customer.
- getCustomer() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.googlepay.GooglePayPaymentParams
- getCustomLogos() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns custom logos to be applied at the checkout.
- getCustomSheetPaymentInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.SamsungPayConfig
- Returns the custom sheet payment info.
- getCvvLength() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CardBrandInfo
- getCvvMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CardBrandInfo
- getDetectedCardBrands(String,String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandsValidation
- getDetection() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CardBrandInfo
- getDeviceParameterBlacklist() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns the list of device parameters that should NOT be collected for the device.
- getDsCert() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the encryption certificate provided by the Directory Server.
- getDsRefId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the directory server reference id.
- getDsRootCa() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the root CA certificate used to issue the DS_CERT.
- getEmail() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Customer
- Returns the email of customer.
- getEndpoint() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the endpoint value.
- getError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentException
- Gets the encapsulated error.
- getERROR_EXTRA() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.cashapppay.CashAppPayProcessorActivity.Companion
- getErrorCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.ErrorCode
- getErrorCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getErrorInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getErrorMessage() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getExpiryMonth() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.core.nfc.model.CardDetails
- Returns the expiry month if available.
- getExpiryMonth() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Card
- Returns the card expiry month.
- getExpiryYear() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.core.nfc.model.CardDetails
- Returns the expiry year if available.
- getExpiryYear() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Card
- Returns the card expiry year.
- getGivenName() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Customer
- Returns the given name or first name of customer.
- getGooglePayData() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.PaymentDetails
- Returns GooglePay's PaymentData response object.
- getGooglePayPaymentDataRequestJson() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the PaymentDataRequest in JSON format.
- getGooglePaySubmit() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Get GooglePaySubmitType details submitted with payment request if information available in Google Pay payment response.
- getHeight() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImageDetail
- getHolder() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.VirtualAccount
- Returns holder name of a virtual account.
- getHolder() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Card
- Returns card holder name.
- getHolder() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.BankAccount
- Returns bank account holder.
- getIban() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.BankAccount
- Returns the IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
- getIbanEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.bankaccount.sepa.DirectDebitSepaUiComponent
- getIdealBankAccountCountry() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the country code of iDEAL bank account.
- getImagesRequestMap() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImagesRequest
- getImageUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The cart item's image URL.
- getInitialTransactionId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.klarna.KlarnaInlinePaymentParams
- Returns id of the initial AD transaction (AD - account discovery).
- getInstallmentOptions() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns an array of possible numbers of installments.
- getInstallmentOptions() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.token.CardTokenUiComponentInteraction
- Returns the list of installment options from the checkout settings.
- getItems() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Cart
- Returns the cart items.
- getJSFunction(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.WpwlOptions
- Get value associated with key for JavaScript configuration.
- getKlarnaCountry() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the country for Klarna payment method.
- getKlarnaInstallmentsFee() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the fee for Klarna Installments payment method.
- getKlarnaInvoiceFee() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the fee for Klarna Invoice payment method.
- getKlarnaMerchantIds() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns merchant ids for Klarna payment method.
- getLabel() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandInfo
- getLabels() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandsValidation
- getLanguageCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.amazonpay.AmazonPayConfig.AmazonPayRegion
- Returns the language code associated with the enum constant.
- getLast4Digits() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Card
- Returns the last 4 digits of card number.
- getLocale() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns string that represents the locale for the app's user interface (for example, "en-US").
- getLocale() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.AfterpayPacificConfig
- Returns the locale.
- getLocale() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Return a locale string value com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.CheckoutActivity, or null if no locale has been assigned.
- getLogLevel() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the log level
- getMaliciousApps() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns list of package names for the apps that should be recognized as malicious.
- getMaximumAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.AfterpayPacificConfig
- Returns the maximum order amount.
- getMbWayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the configuration for MBWAY payment method.
- getMerchant() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the Merchant.
- getMerchantTransactionId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the merchant transaction id.
- getMinimumAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.AfterpayPacificConfig
- Returns the minimum order amount if it is set.
- getMsdkUi() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the type of mSDK UI
- getName() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The name of the item in the shopping cart.
- getName() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Merchant
- Returns the merchant name.
- getNationalIdentifier() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ikanooi.IkanoOiPaymentParams
- Returns shopper's national identifier
- getNfcSettingsIntent() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.core.nfc.NfcUtils
- getNoAvailablePaymentMethodsError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getNumberOfInstallments() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.BaseCardPaymentParams
- Returns the number of installments the payment should be split into
- getOnBeforeSubmitCallback() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns callback which will receive PaymentDetails.
- getOnBeforeSubmitError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getOrderItems() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.OrderSummary
- Map of order items with localized labels and amount
- getOrderSummary() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.PaymentDetails
- Returns content of the order summary screen for GooglePay.
- getOrderTotal() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.OrderSummary
- Returns total amount for the order
- getPan() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.core.nfc.model.CardDetails
- Returns the card number.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.VirtualAccountPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.TokenPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for card transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.klarna.KlarnaInlinePaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for Klarna Payments transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.BaseCardPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for card transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.IkanoPrivateLabelVAPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for Ikano private label transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.CardPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for card transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.chinaunionpay.ChinaUnionPayPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ratepay.RatePayPaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for Ratepay Payments transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.inicis.InicisPaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for KG Inicis Payment transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.googlepay.GooglePayPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.blik.BlikPaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for BLIK transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.mbway.MBWayPaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for MBWAY transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.stcpay.STCPayPaymentParams
- Returns the map of all parameters needed for STC pay transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.bankaccount.BankAccountPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters required for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.afterpaypacific.AfterpayPacificPaymentParams
- Returns the map of parameters needed for AFTERPAY_PACIFIC transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.samsungpay.SamsungPayPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ikanooi.IkanoOiPaymentParams
- Returns a map of all parameters needed for IKANO transaction.
- getParamsForRequest() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.amazonpay.AmazonPayPaymentParams
- Returns a map of parameters to be included in the request for the Amazon Pay payment.
- getPattern() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CardBrandInfo
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- Returns payment brand.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Token
- Returns the payment brand.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.cashapppay.CashAppPayConfig
- Returns the payment brand.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.amazonpay.AmazonPayConfig
- Returns the payment brand associated with Amazon Pay.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.AfterpayPacificConfig
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.PaymentDetails
- Returns payment brand.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.PaymentButtonFragment
- Returns current payment brand.
- getPaymentBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.OrderSummary
- Returns payment brand constant
- getPaymentBrands() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the supported payment brands.
- getPaymentButtonBrand() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the brand for payment button.
- getPaymentDetails() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.OrderSummary
- Returns the text with information about the way the shopper wants to pay
- getPaymentError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutActivityResult
- Returns the PaymentError, if there was an error during the checkout process.
- getPaymentError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.ProcessorActivityResult
- getPaymentErrorExtraKey() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.affirm.AffirmProcessorResultContract
- getPaymentFormListener() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns listener object which will receive payment form events.
- getPaymentManager(Context,String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.SamsungPayHelper
- Returns PaymentManager object.
- getPaymentMethodNotAvailableError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentMethods() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.paymentmethodselection.PaymentMethodSelectionUiComponentInteraction
- getPaymentParams() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns the parameters representing a concrete payment method PaymentParams
- getPaymentParamsAccountVerificationInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankAccountBankCodeInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankAccountBicInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankAccountHolderInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankAccountIbanInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankAccountNumberInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsBankNameInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardCvvInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardExpiredError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardHolderInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardMonthInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardNumberInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCardYearInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCheckoutIdInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsCountryCodeInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsEmailInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsGooglePayTokenInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsMobilePhoneInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsNationalIdentifierInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsPaymentSchemeInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsPaymentTokenMissingError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsRoutingNumberInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsSofortCountryInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentParamsTokenInvalidError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentProviderConnectionFailureError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentProviderConnectionMalformedResponseError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentProviderInternalError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentProviderNotInitializedError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getPaymentsClient(Context,Connect.ProviderMode) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.GooglePayHelper
- Returns a client for interacting with the Google Pay API based on provider mode.
- getPaymentToken() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.VirtualAccountPaymentParams
- getPhone() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Customer
- Returns the phone number of customer.
- getPhone() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The phone number for shipping address
- getPhoneCountryCodeEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getPhoneNumberEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.card.CardUiComponent
- getPostCode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- Returns the postal code or zip code of the billing address.
- getPostcode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The postal code or zip code of the shipping address.
- getPrice() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The price of the item in the shopping cart.
- getProductUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The cart item's URL.
- getProtocolVersion() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the protocol version of 3-D secure 2.
- getProvider(Context,Connect.ProviderMode) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Connect
- Returns an instance for the requested payment provider with the given parameter.
- getProviderMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- Returns the com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Connect.ProviderMode.
- getProviderMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.IPaymentProvider
- getProviderMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the Connect.ProviderMode.
- getPublicKey() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.affirm.AffirmConfig
- Gets Affirm public key from merchant configuration.
- getQuantity() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The number of items in the shopping cart.
- getRedirectUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns the URL to the receiver system (e.g.
- getRegion() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.amazonpay.AmazonPayConfig
- Returns the checkout language region associated with this AmazonPayConfig.
- getRenderType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BrandInfo
- getResourcePath() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns the resource path value.
- getResourcePath() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutActivityResult
- Returns the resource path for payment status request, if it is available.
- getRESULT_ERROR() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.cashapppay.CashAppPayProcessorActivity.Companion
- getRoutingNumberEditText() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.aciinstantpay.AciInstantPayUiComponent
- getSamsungPay(Context,String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.SamsungPayHelper
- Returns SamsungPay object.
- getSamsungPayCardInfoUpdatedError(Exception) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getSamsungPayCheckStatusError(int,Bundle) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getSamsungPayConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the SamsungPay configuration.
- getSamsungPayCustomSheetPaymentInfoError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getSamsungPayServiceIdError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getSamsungPayTokenError(int,Bundle) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getSdkMaxTimeout() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns maximum amount of time (in minutes) for all exchanges for the 3-D Secure authentication.
- getSecurityPolicyModeForBrand(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns security policy mode for specific payment brand.
- getSecurityPolicyModeForTokens() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns security policy mode for tokens.
- getServiceId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.SamsungPayConfig
- Returns the serviceId for Samsung Pay sdk.
- getShipping() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the ShippingAddress.
- getShippingInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.OrderSummary
- Returns shipping details, might be a multi-line string
- getShopperResultUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.PaymentParams
- Gets the URL which will receive the result of an asynchronous payment.
- getSkipCVVMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the CheckoutSkipCVVMode for showing CVV.
- getSku() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The sku cart item.
- getState() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- Returns the county, state or region of the billing address.
- getState() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The county, state or region of the shipping address.
- getStatus() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.yookassa.YooKassaInfo
- Returns the payment status.
- getStorePaymentDetailsMode() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the mode for storing payment details of the upcoming transaction.
- getStreet1() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- Returns the door number, floor, building number, building name, and/or street name of the billing address.
- getStreet1() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The door number, floor, building number, building name, and/or street name of the shipping address
- getStreet2() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.BillingAddress
- Returns the adjoining road or locality (if required) of the billing address The combination of street1 and street2 can't contain numbers only, it should also include characters.
- getStreet2() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ShippingAddress
- The adjoining road or locality (if required) of the shipping address.
- getSurname() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.Customer
- Returns the last name or surname of customer.
- getTaxAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutData
- Returns the tax amount.
- getThemeResId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Return the theme resource id for com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog.CheckoutActivity, or 0 if no resource id has been assigned.
- getThreeDS2AuthParams() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.card.BaseCardPaymentParams
- Returns params required for 3-D Secure 2 authentication request
- getThreeDS2ChallengeCanceledError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getThreeDS2Config() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the configuration object to be used during service initialization.
- getThreeDS2Error(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getThreeDS2Info() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns 3-D Secure parameters if 3DS 2 is enabled.
- getThreeDS2MethodRedirectUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- The URL which posts threeDSMethodData to the ACS.
- getThreeDS2TimedOutError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getThreeDS2Warnings() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.PaymentDetails
- Returns the list of warnings produced by 3DS 2 library.
- getThreeDSFlow() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.ThreeDS2Info
- Returns the 3-D secure 2 flow.
- getTokenId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.TokenPaymentParams
- getTokenId() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Token
- Returns the token id.
- getTokens() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CheckoutInfo
- Returns tokens.
- getTotalDiscountAmount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CartItem
- The cart item's total discount amount.
- getTransaction() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutActivityResult
- Returns the Transaction, if it is available.
- getTransaction() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.ProcessorActivityResult
- getTRANSACTION_EXTRA() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.cashapppay.CashAppPayProcessorActivity.Companion
- getTransactionAbortedError() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getTransactionExtraKey() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.processor.affirm.AffirmProcessorResultContract
- getTransactionType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns the type of the transaction.
- getTrustedAppStores() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns additional list of trusted applications, that would not cause security warnings (SW02).
- getType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImageDetail
- getType() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.model.BinInfo
- Returns the type CREDIT or DEBIT, if available.
- getUiComponentClassName(UiComponentType) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.uicomponent.meta.UiComponentsConfig
- Returns the class name for the UI Component type if available.
- getUiComponentError(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getUiComponentsConfig() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Returns the UI Components configuration.
- getUiCustomization() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ThreeDSConfig
- Returns UI configuration information that is used to specify the UI layout and theme of the challenge screens, for example, font style and font size.
- getUnexpectedExceptionError(Exception) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.exception.PaymentError
- getUrl() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImageDetail
- getValidation() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.CardBrandInfo
- getValue() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.threeds.v2.model.ChallengeUiType
- Returns int value assigned to the specific UI type
- getValue(String) - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.WpwlOptions
- Get value for associated key for configuration.
- getVerificationOption() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.stcpay.STCPayPaymentParams
- Returns verification option of STC pay transactions.
- getVersion() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Connect
- Returns the version of library.
- getVirtualAccount() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.token.Token
- Returns the VirtualAccount if token contains it, otherwise null.
- getWidth() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.ImageDetail
- getWpwlConfigurations() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.WpwlOptions
- Get WPWL configuration.
- getWpwlOptions() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutSettings
- Get payment brand and its WPWL configuration for checkout.
- getYooKassaInfo() - function in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.provider.Transaction
- Returns the YooKassa payment information if it's available.
- GooglePayHelper - class in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.dialog
- Contains helper static methods for dealing with the Google Pay Payments API.
- GooglePayPaymentParams - class in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.payment.googlepay
- Represents the payment parameters for GOOGLEPAY payment brand.
- GooglePaySubmitType - class in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta
- An enumeration for the payment request additional data submit options for Google Pay payment method.
- GROUPED - enum entry in com.oppwa.mobile.connect.checkout.meta.CheckoutCardBrandsDisplayMode
Display all card brands grouped in one row. This mode allows shopper to skip choosing card brand. The brand will be detected automatically based on the card number