
Class IkanoPrivateLabelVAPaymentParams

    • Constructor Detail

      • IkanoPrivateLabelVAPaymentParams

        IkanoPrivateLabelVAPaymentParams(String checkoutId, String accountNumber, String expiryMonth, String expiryYear, String accountVerification)
        Creates an object representing Ikano private label transaction (as virtual account).
        checkoutId - The checkout ID of the transaction
        accountNumber - The account number
        expiryMonth - The expiration month of the account, it is expected in MM format
        expiryYear - The expiration year, it is expected in YYYY format
        accountVerification - Verification code for the account
    • Method Detail

      • isAccountNumberValid

         static boolean isAccountNumberValid(@Nullable() String accountNumber)

        Checks if account number is valid (card number validation used)

        accountNumber - The account number
      • isExpiryMonthValid

         static boolean isExpiryMonthValid(@Nullable() String expiryMonth)

        Checks if expiration month is valid, MM format expected

        expiryMonth - The expiration month of the account
      • isExpiryYearValid

         static boolean isExpiryYearValid(@Nullable() String expiryYear)

        Checks if expiration year is valid, YYYY format expected

        expiryYear - The expiration year of the account
      • isAccountExpired

         static boolean isAccountExpired(@Nullable() String expiryMonth, @Nullable() String expiryYear)

        Checks if account is expired, expiration month and year should represent some date in the future

        expiryMonth - The expiration month of the account
        expiryYear - The expiration year of the account
      • isAccountVerificationValid

         static boolean isAccountVerificationValid(@Nullable() String accountVerification)

        Checks if verification code in valid, up to 5 digits expected

        accountVerification - The verification code of the account