
Class PaymentDetails

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PaymentDetails

    Represents the payment details for before submit event.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PaymentDetails

        PaymentDetails(String checkoutId, String paymentBrand)
        Constructs PaymentDetails with the checkout id and payment brand.
        checkoutId - The checkout id.
        paymentBrand - The payment brand.
    • Method Detail

      • setCheckoutId

         void setCheckoutId(@NonNull() String checkoutId)

        Sets the checkout id. Call this method once new checkout id was returned in the end of checkout id request.

        checkoutId - A new checkout id.
      • setGooglePayData

         void setGooglePayData(@Nullable() PaymentData googlePayData)

        Sets GooglePay's PaymentData response object

        googlePayData - GooglePay's PaymentData response object.
      • setSamsungPayData

         void setSamsungPayData(@Nullable() CustomSheetPaymentInfo samsungPayData)

        Sets SamsungPay's Payment information details with custom payment sheet information.

        samsungPayData - SamsungPay's Payment information details with custom payment sheet information.
      • setThreeDS2Warnings

         void setThreeDS2Warnings(@Nullable() List<Warning> threeDS2Warnings)

        Sets the list of warnings produces by 3DS 2 library.

        threeDS2Warnings - The list of warnings.
      • isCanceled

         boolean isCanceled()

        Returns true if the payment was canceled during before submit event, otherwise false.

      • setCanceled

         void setCanceled(boolean canceled)

        Sets to cancel payment during before submit event, otherwise false.

        canceled - true to cancel payment during before submit event, otherwise false.