Mobile Commerce SDK – Android
Release Notes
Version 6.20.0
The nSoftware 3DS2 library is updated to version 2.3.9149. It is mandatory to use this nSoftware version with the latest mSDK version(6.20.0).
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 954edad87fe526c07781c4da220926d43f3a081674d4b6521be644d3bf8b802d
Version 6.19.0
Added support for GooglePayTkn payment method.
Credit Card Scanning(io.card:android-sdk) SDK extension is deprecated.
Added support for Iovation FraudForce library version 5.2.2.
Added Support for 3DS authentication using a bank app's custom scheme in 3DS web flow. Please refer docs for more details.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 0af7dd3dfe4c58f2ea0950d7ccbf88e3114d6cdb59976f91cbe4c2f47624babc
Version 6.18.0
Added support for AmazonPay payment method in mSDK for Ready-to-Use UI integration.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 922229230e3690e608e41b07762f17d8e1291ab74a54c2f8d7de8132e70f935d
Version 6.17.1
Fixed the Redirect URL being null when Klarna Payments used without Klarna Mobile SDK.
SHA-256: d2596b8990ccd5ae30d331417297f028f695d7abc548c01c8475d0ad71e18238
Version 6.17.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
Added support for MobilePay payment method.
Updated Terms and Conditions link for IKANO Open Invoice payment method.
To prevent sensitive data from being copied, we have blocked the copy/cut context menu for the card holder name and expiration date.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: f125904075b86d0835166416c78e1ca4196b199ef2552bd9ce554da3aafe60e6
Version 6.16.1
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
Added support to collect browser parameters during the Web 3DS authentication process.
SHA-256: a7bd5b7fc35d7568e68118af63d88318a779b2749e1cc8df8eb0aed8cafc3835
Version 6.16.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
Added support for AmazonPay payment method in mSDK for Your Own UI integration.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 090fc04bc3931d5a4fe43311b8584e36f726b8cd4da765e26d3370ab5a8be5b8
Version 6.15.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
Added support for Cash App Pay payment method.
Added support for Affirm payment method.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 3227c3127e800e2b6d59c55a4fb76bb00a924a2e5db89efb6ad71e39ed94d8c9
Version 6.14.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: d49b60a06e36120a0d1c521a632066e6ec7f82341eddce2e112cf947abc69432
Version 6.13.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
The nSoftware 3DS2 library updated to version 2.3.8991. It includes the fix for added browsable category in the intent filter. Even if you're not going to migrate to the mSDK v6.13.0 we strongly recommend to update ipworks3ds SDK library.
The Mobile SDK consumer ProGuard rules have been updated, no additional rules required if you are using R8 obfuscation in your build.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: fad1b84dee234bf936cd33b6cb3f01743f9f2edf3d840de159f65e74d8417f7f
Version 6.12.0
In this version, there is a problem where the Redirect URL is null when Klarna Payments are used without the Klarna Mobile SDK. This issue has been fixed in version 6.17.1. We strongly recommend upgrading to version 6.17.1 if you are using Klarna without the Klarna SDK.
iDEAL 1.0 payment method has been deprecated. Please use iDEAL 2.0 instead.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: ec6839021938b937a39841eed13032a9429e133600f3367744d6605b35941c3f
Version 6.11.0
Upgraded the nSoftware 3DS2 library to version 2.3.8892, ensuring better compatibility and performance.
To prevent sensitive data from being copied, we have blocked the copy/cut context menu for the card number field in the card detail form.
The label alignment for the Arabic locale has been corrected.
By default, `CheckoutSetting.showOTPEnable` is now set to true for BLIK payment method.
Fixed an issue that caused the app to crash during the checkout process.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: d573dac41dfc13bfb63f49d2efbc93cfa890a163628ff30efb77a223504577c1
Version 6.10.0
Added support for Clearpay payment method.
The nSoftware 3DS2 library updated to version 2.3.8867. This update improves handling of app process destruction during the 3DS challenge.
For the Ready-to-Use UI integration it is required to use mSDK v6.10.0 with nSoftware 3DS2 library v2.3.8867. In this version when app process is recreated after destruction, the CheckoutActivity will return control back to the app providing the specific error.
For the custom UI mSDK integration the nSoftware 3DS2 library v2.3.8867 can be used with older mSDK versions. It provides a new static method ThreeDS2Service.wasTransactionKilled() which can be used after activity recreation to check if transaction failed.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 5513a39ddecde0fc895039656c3fe9b18d93733347b0f8682ddcbec68e37cae2
Version 6.9.0
Added support for iDEAL 2.0 payment method.
Added support for ACI Instant Pay payment method.
SHA-256: 1998be1632f3ec04ff652479d9955aa5cb41d49d5349c49201cd869bc5ac8cd9
Version 6.8.0
Updated the Afterpay Pacific payment method. Please refer documentation for integration details.
Added OnBeforeSubmitCallback for Ready-to-Use UI. It can be used as alternative to BroadcastReceiver.
SHA-256: 0b3ef270031d4c93f2cf7751fa0c27915856d2b6c3169ae19ef7c0eb8e874698
Version 6.7.0
Added support for BLIK payment method.
Updated the Google Pay payment method to retrieve and submit billing address and customer information.
Updated the IBAN validation.
General improvements and bug fixes.
The feature that enables complete customization for UI components is currently in Beta. Please exercise caution when considering its implementation.
SHA-256: f01591846fd8e396b1ebab3edac158d9f3dcd7257c970ba79b6cd35649792191
Version 6.6.1
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to version 2.3.8829.
SHA-256: 30efb8c2c0705f8340624f4f43c40e8e24b6dddb10ed78d5340fa9dff183ff5a
Version 6.6.0
Fixed ProGuard rules for Iovation FraudForce library.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: d7f2743d4ac6721e3b0730b735149d5a8fa3ce063c0325b039c64f91e8bda0dc
Version 6.5.0
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to version 2.3.8788.
SHA-256: 5de1d1aff98946be816f9819900124567503236c2cd745468880aa991eda71df
Version 6.4.0
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 682f0d24fb12664f2c462523086ba6a5b6e4ce44d497bce0f59ca7acf060497c
Version 6.3.0
Added support for Samsung Pay.
Added support for Iovation FraudForce library version 5.1.0.
General improvements and bug fixes.
SHA-256: 031fb5e9cde7add411197b19c31341cc969ad8282be469d2e10f93718e7cf2ca
Version 6.2.0
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: d1e51073d43d5eb74264e2a9f8e90eb0e538f206ea32e8d723852f767c5b1944
Version 6.1.0
Added support for MBWAY.
SHA-256: 042921ed51cfd1365a0c9f0c297bc7a929d4b39779dbdd862ed482de0077d3a1
Version 6.0.0
The minSdkVersion changed to 24.
The nSoftware 3DS2 library updated to version 2.2.8648. It includes the fix for Android 14. Even if you're not going to migrate to the mSDK v6.0.0 we strongly recommend to update ipworks3ds SDK library.
The Afterpay Pacific SDK has been added.
Simplified the Ready-to-Use UI integration. The shopper result URL is not required anymore. The CheckoutActivity will handle the final redirect for asynchrounous transactions itself.
Update from 5.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.
Version 5.7.1
Fixed an issue with GooglePay in Ready-to-Use UI. If you are using version 5.3.0 or above, consider updating, otherwise GooglePay will not be available.
SHA-256: 611d986526e9b13e27b33b5fa6498832ef0ffa2d0800e8c94c85f3ee52ede54d
Version 5.7.0
Added version number to the 3DS SDK file names.
SHA-256: e85f409178d346863fe083b8cabd667697159ce57c6791a03f7ae6349652de41
Version 5.6.0
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: 5f2763c4953993a1221625cbf39d1e2ecc0caa756ffaf10c8d7e801f4fcd09c9
Version 5.5.0
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: b1ca2d8463a3246f0a27996d9a302e05d7df1c80c0a784c280f7a3ddb31f9291
Version 5.4.0
Added support for the COPYandPAY in mSDK.
Removed Alipay support.
Added support for 3D Secure 2.x cardholderInfo.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: 75f9444cc0f72279b90c6fc2d30cbfda79f6d507177fffa5b8f55fe488b69cd2
Version 5.3.0
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to the version 2.2.8546.
Added support for optional card expiry date.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: 865c6f179f44a17c51bcf14f2f834d5451923507015c645a3cbbc57c610b84c9
Version 5.2.0
Improved 3D Secure 2.x web flow.
Added a new ThreeDSConfig setting to enable/disable sending threeDSRequestorAppUrl for 3D Secure 2.x app flow.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: a14709dc39a2511532850b0294ba60a18df32901d95d927742263f6d03ee8301
Version 5.1.0
Added new NFC based card scanning feature.
Fixed localization typos.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: ed9cfeb7b6ea9ec8e9a7ccecf44d74f54ebb17c4226780d09bf4781283aae89c
Version 5.0.0
Ipworks_3ds SDK is updated to the version 2.2.8444.
General improvements and fixes.
Cleaned up deprecated API.
SHA-256: 05de08ff7611aa03dc418d729e1d8ca6e36f6189f5f9027b66d45ef32c640c64
Update from 4.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.
Version 4.12.0
IMPORTANT: If you update from a version prior to 4.11.0, please review the dependency list and make sure that your build.gradle
is updated.
Simplified 3D Secure 2.x integration.
SHA-256: 9c95a50fcd955312d8a0389ef4d12dee5cb67501da680f3fc468859663cfd71a
Version 4.11.0
IMPORTANT: This version introduces a new dependency. Please review the dependency list and make sure that your build.gradle
is updated.
Removed UncaughtException handler internal implementation.
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to the version 2.2.8440.
Updated Klarna Mobile SDK to the version 2.4.0.
Added support for the following payment method:
- Pay with Klarna (KLARNA_PAYMENTS_ONE)
Improved ThreeDS2 web flow error handling.
Changed backend requests timeout configuration to 30 sec.
General 3D Secure 2.x. improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: 214df7dad1a45ca5334f9b2fdc599244d7faabccf97b1d655940d6bb016f0a59
Version 4.10.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Ratepay Invoice.
Ipworks_3ds SDK is updated to the version 2.2.8420.
Added support for Android version 13 (API level 33).
Bug fixing and improvements.
Added option for payment button customization.
SHA-256: f443eb9a99d00d10853294a6d1912924ee07e74c5f3854596b07701bc3eb9b33
Version 4.9.1
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to the version 2.2.8376.
SHA-256: 820d5facf1cd4e7dc0acbbc7fb8a05e0c195fd9abcb0a957dde34835cf7d0eaa
Version 4.9.0
Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to the version 2.2.8336.
SHA-256: 85a24214213e32d5e5a701bac96ca5868ff18b896b67ecc5aab537fd5d68d510
Version 4.8.0
Added support for external 3D Secure 2.x MPI.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: 509287964823117907a3225bc905ed9f72d3e1610f8a5e7963193ce9afe8e459
Version 4.7.0
Improved 3D Secure 2.x Out-of-Band (OOB) challenge flow.
Updated Google Pay logo in Ready-to-Use UI.
Corrected payment data request format for Google Pay.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: d6ad2db464dd0bf8e25ebd1e447ed4acef1fd5bdbaff85354dd6f9975194be43
Version 4.6.0
Added ability to align token based on payment brand list.
General improvements and fixes.
SHA-256: b815487d9430bd5a0558a091a0a834fd274d6a95877fdc205d67feb3708f6fc7
Version 4.5.0
Added support for external MPI web flow via MPGS.
SHA-256: fd74ddcb491a59734a6592fe1998bc0113f21e819a361a23f6807f2b63dcb0e6
Version 4.4.1
Fixed 3D Secure 2.x web flow.
Version 4.4.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 4.3.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 4.2.0
Added support for Vipps application.
Version 4.1.0
Enhanced OPPPaymentProvider to get additional information about specific card BIN.
Now the native Klarna Mobile SDK is not mandatory to support Klarna Payments.
General improvements and fixes.
Version 4.0.0
Moved 3D Secure 2.x extension into the base Mobile SDK.
Cleaned up deprecated API.
Update from 3.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.
Version 3.18.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.17.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.16.0
Added support for collecting billing address with card payment.
Version 3.14.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.13.0
Added support for alternative set of Test and Live domains.
Added new card brand detection presentation style.
Added support 3D Secure 2.x for tokenization of payment details.
Improved Ready-to-Use UI presentation for portrait and landscape orientation.
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.12.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.11.0
Improved Ready-to-Use UI integration with brands:- Bancontact - added integration with Bancontact link application.
- iDeal - the ability to fetch list of banks from the server.
Version 3.10.1
Fixed issue for landscape mode with Android version 8.0 (API level 26).
Version 3.10.0
Improved integration with Bancontact application.
General improvements and fixes.
IMPORTANT: If 3D Secure 2.x is used update to version 1.5.0 is mandatory.
Version 3.9.0
Added support for TalkBack.
Added support for landscape mode.
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.7.0
General improvements and fixes.
Version 3.6.0
Fixed Hungarian localisation issue.
Version 3.5.0
Enhanced IProviderBinder: ability to use brand detection for specific card BIN.
Added support for YooKassa payment with "SDK & Your Own UI" integration.
Added Czech, Hungarian, Slovak languages.
Turned off share button in Chrome Custom Tabs.
Version 3.4.0
Added support for 3D Secure 2.x browser-based authentication.
Version 3.3.0
Fixed minor issues in Ready-to-Use UI for 3D Secure 2.x.
Version 3.2.0
Added Croatian, Romanian languages.
Added support for Huawei mobile devices without preinstalled Google Play Services.
Version 3.1.0
Added Danish, Belgian Dutch, Belgian French languages.
Version 3.0.0
Migrated the code to AndroidX libraries and Java 8.
Cleaned up deprecated API.
Update from 2.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.
Version 2.66.0
Added support for PayPal tokens.
Version 2.65.0
Added integration with the native Klarna Mobile SDK.
Version 2.64.0
Added Slovenian language.
Added Austrian German language.
Added Swiss French, Swiss German, Swiss Italian, Swiss English languages.
Version 2.63.0
Added required payment parameters for KG Inicis.
Enhanced Norwegian language. Added the general ‘no’ locale.
Brought back integration with Klarna Payments via redirection. Rolled back native inApp Klarna Payments SDK support.
Important: It's highly recommended to not use Klarna Payments method in versions of mSDK 2.59.0 - 2.62.0.
Version 2.62.0
Added native integration for 3D Secure 2.x.
Added Norwegian language.
Version 2.61.0
Added Korean language.
Version 2.60.0
General improvements and issue fixes.
Improved exceptions handling in Ready-to-Use UI.
Version 2.59.0
Added integration with the native Klarna Mobile SDK.
Updated Alipay SDK to the latest version – 15.7.4.
Updated iovation FraudForce SDK to the latest version – 4.2.0.
Fixed issue when right-to-left sets automatically.
Version 2.58.0
Enhanced Ikano Private Label payment form: ability to hide account verification field enabled.
Version 2.57.0
Added check for unsupported brands in Ready-to-Use UI.
Added required payment parameters for Paytrail.
Fixed connection issue for Android 5.0 and lower.
Version 2.56.0
Enhanced PaymentParams to send any server parameters.
Added Finnish and Polish languages.
Fixed issue with expiry date field.
Version 2.55.0
Added STC Pay payment method.
Version 2.54.0
Optimized card brand detection.
Version 2.53.0
Enhanced IKANO Open Invoice integration. Added support for presenting IKANO Open Invoice as part of payout options.
Version 2.52.0
Added Sweden and Serbian languages.
Version 2.49.0
Added Ikano Private Label payment method.
Version 2.48.0
Added option for customizing logos in ready-to-use UI.
Removed collecting IMEI which was sent as SHOPPER_deviceId criterion (it does not affect RedShield).
Version 2.47.0
Added Basque and Galician languages.
Updated iovation FraudForce SDK to the latest version – 4.1.1.
Version 2.46.0
Enhanced card brand detection in ready-to-use UI:- possibility to hide the list of detected brands.
Updated iovation FraudForce SDK to the latest version – 4.0.0.
Version 2.45.0
Enhanced card brand detection in ready-to-use UI:- new way to detect card brand based on bin list,
- possibility to set preferred order of detected brands,
- first brand is selected by default if multiple brands are detected.
Fixed issue with image loading.
Version 2.44.0
Added Canadian French language.
Added option for payment button customization.
Version 2.43.0
Fixed issue with image loading.
Version 2.42.0
Added Catalan language.
Updated Iovation flag.
Version 2.40.0
Updated Google Pay logo in Ready-to-Use UI.
Version 2.39.0
Security fix. Prevent screen capture of card form.
Minor fixes and improvements.
Version 2.38.0
Added the new supported banks for IDEAL.
Deprecated embedded web view for 3D Secure. Chrome Custom Tabs are now used.
Version 2.37.0
Fixed issue with logs.
Fixed issue with payment button.
Version 2.36.1
Fixed issue for iDEAL brand in Ready-to-use UI.
Version 2.36.0
Added Google Pay confirmation page to Ready-to-Use UI.
Version 2.35.0
Added support for Chrome Custom Tabs to handle in-app redirect.
Added support for collecting Google Pay shipping and billing information.
Added Dutch language.
Version 2.34.0
Updated Alipay SDK to the latest version – 15.5.9.
Updated Support and Google Play services libraries. minSdkVersion is raised to 17.
Added support for multiple payment buttons.
Version 2.33.0
Updated Klarna payment methods according to official style guidelines.
General improvements and issue fixes.
Version 2.32.0
Added support for the following payment methods:
- IKANO Open Invoice
Version 2.31.0
Added support for the following payment methods:
Fixed a card brand detection issue.
Version 2.30.0
Added support for installment payments.
Fixed the conflict with duplicated resource names.
Version 2.29.1
Fixed support for eastern Arabic digits.
Version 2.29.0
Added a new callback from the payment form to override card holder validation.
Fixed issue with Alipay redirect.
Version 2.27.0
Improved card holder validation. Not allow card number and CVV.
Fixed an issue with error message visibility on the payment details screen when the keypad is opened.
Fixed an issue with payment button customization.
Version 2.26.0
Added automatic brand support.
Fixed an issue where the Mobile SDK did not send "onBeforeSubmit" callback for GooglePay.
Fixed integrating issues.
Version 2.25.0
Added support for optional card holder name.
Added support for optional paymentBrand for card brands in step 2.
Version 2.24.0
Added support for sending shopperResultUrl in step 2 (submitting transaction to server).
Version 2.23.0
Added support for displaying total amount on the checkout form.
Added Italian language.
Version 2.21.0
Fixed issues with Card Scanning.
Added support for optional device IMEI number logging.
Version 2.20.0
Added support for automatic card brand detection.
Added Chinese (Simplified) language.
Version 2.19.0
Added support for optional expiry date and CVV.
Fixed issues with credit card scanning and targetSdkVersion 27.
Version 2.18.0
Added support for Iovation SDK for calculating the device fingerprint.
Fixed the locale issue.
Version 2.17.0
Added support for the following payment methods:
- Mada
Version 2.16.0
Added and improved support for the following payment methods:
- Klarna Pay Later
- Klarna Slice It
- Klarna Pay Now (Sofort)
- BillPay
- Paytrail
- Przelewy24
- PostFinance Card
Added support for right-to-left text.
Added Arabic language.
Version 2.15.0
Added support for the following payment methods.
- Master Debit
- Visa Debit
- Visa Electron
- Carte Bleue
Version 2.14.1
Fixed missing CVV value for tokenized cards.
Fixed not clickable payment button on the tokenized card checkout form.
Version 2.14.0
Improved brand detection and validation procedures.
Version 2.13.0
Added support for Maestro as a new payment method.
Added a new callback on the Mobile SDK which triggers before payment submission. This callback allows the mobile app to cancel the payment submit action.
Version 2.12.0
Added support for "create omni-token" workflow.
Version 2.11.0
Updated Google Pay integration.
Fixed a connection error on devices with Android version 4.4 (API level 19) and below.
Version 2.10.0
Rebranded Google Pay.
Version 2.9.0
Minor changes.
Version 2.8.0
Added support for Pay with Google as a new payment method.
Version 2.7.0
Incorporated the service connection management into the Mobile SDK – making it easier for developers to use the Mobile SDK and quicker to deploy.
Corrected an issue where the Mobile SDK did not appropriately handle an unexpected response from MasterPass.
Version 2.5.0
Added Demo App for Developers.
Fixed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can only use lower 8 bits for requestCode.
Version 2.4.0
Added new supported countries (ES, IT, PL) for Sofort Banking.
Version 2.3.0
In version 1.9.0 SDK logging capabilities were added to assist troubleshooting. From this version, this information is sent up to the server, and made available via the Smart Payments Platform transaction log.
Version 2.2.0
Update for expiring certificates (9/2017 for the test system and 12/2017 for the live system).
IMPORTANT: Please note that apps using older versions will stop working when the old certificates expire.
Update to 2.2.0 is mandatory, see Migration guide.
Version 2.1.0
Added support for UnionPay SMS as a new payment method.
Version 2.0.0
As of this version, 3rd party libraries are not included. This keeps the SDK smaller, especially in the case where the 3rd party libraries are not needed. NOTE! Customers must now import required libraries as needed – please refer to the developer portal documentation for more information.
Update from 1.x.y is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.
Version 1.11.0
Added the capability to securely store and tokenize a card without making a payment at the same time.
Enhanced the ease of integration: The resourcePath URL is now returned in the step 2 response from the server so that it need not be constructed in step 3, but may be used as provided.
Server-side enhancements have been made to further support Apple Pay and Android Pay setup and management.
Version 1.10.0
Added French language.
Version 1.9.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Paydirekt
- Multibanco
Added Spanish and Portuguese languages.
Added SDK logging capabilities – messages sent and received are logged, as well as configuration.
Version 1.8.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Klarna
Version 1.7.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Masterpass
Version 1.6.0
Enhanced the look and feel of the checkout screen that displays the payment method listing. The shop is shown in the background to provide a more seamless user experience, and the stored payment methods are displayed in a more compact and neater fashion.
Additional statistics are now sent up to the server platform, including the OS type and version, the handset device model, the mSDK version and an indicator of whether the mSDK uses a custom UI or the mSDK-provided UI. These parameters may be viewed at a transaction level through the Smart Payments Platform.
Version 1.5.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Android Pay
- Dankort
- Trustly
- Giropay
- Ratenkauf
- Yandex
Version 1.4.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- Paysafecard
Enhanced the validation of JCB card numbers.
Version 1.3.0
Added support for the following payment methods:- iDEAL
- Boleto Bancário
Version 1.2.0
- Added support for Alipay as a new payment method.
Version 1.1.0
- Added support for UnionPay Online Payment as a new payment method.
- Added support for Drop-In Payment Buttons – any payment method can now be placed on any page in the merchant app – for example to support instant checkout of a particular product.
- Added support for 3D Secure to be handled via an embedded web view – previously this was only available via an app switch to the browser (and back again).
- Added support for multiple checkout IDs – this supports the need to handle payment methods under different profiles so that (for example) different risk rules can be applied.
Version 1.0.0
This is the first GA (Generally Available) release of the Mobile Commerce SDK.
Supported payment methods:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Discover
- UnionPay ExpressPay
- Sofort Banking
- SEPA Direct Debit
- PayPal
Supported features:
- Tokenization of payment credentials
- Store payment methods for future use
- 3D Secure
- Scan card using mobile device camera