Migration guide

Migrating to 6.x.x

Migrating to 5.x.x

Migrating to 4.x.x

Easy Custom UI 3D Secure 2.x integration

The highlight of Mobile SDK 4.x is an easy Your Own UI 3D Secure 2.x integration. You don't need to send authentication parameters, display processing view and handle authentication response anymore - all these steps integrated into Submit Transaction call. Check MSDK + Your Custom UI page for more details.

Checkout API Deprecations

Core API Deprecations

Migrating to 3.x.x

Checkout API Deprecations

Deprecated code is removed. If you have any issues with compiling the project, check the tables below.

Core API Deprecations

Migrating to 2.x.x

The main change in versions 2.x.x is that 3rd party libraries are not included in base SDK anymore:
  • CardIO (credit card scanning)
  • Alipay (native SDK integration)