See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description CheckoutSkipCVVMode CheckoutStorePaymentDetailsMode CheckoutCardBrandsDisplayMode An enumeration for the possible display modes of card brands on payment method selection screen. CheckoutSecurityPolicyMode CheckoutValidationResult An enumeration for the possible results of the payment form validation. GooglePaySubmitType An enumeration for the payment request additional data submit options for Google Pay payment method. CheckoutBrandDetectionType An enumeration for the possible ways of automatic card brand detection CheckoutBrandDetectionAppearanceStyle An enumeration for the card brand detection appearance style CheckoutMsdkUi An enumeration of possible mSDK UI types. -
Class Summary Class Description AfterpayPacificConfig Contains the configuration for AFTERPAY_PACIFIC payment method. SamsungPayConfig This class contains the Samsung Pay configuration for the checkout. PaymentDetails Represents the payment details for before submit event. MbWayConfig The configuration for MBWAY payment method. CheckoutActivityResultContract A contract specifying that an CheckoutActivity can be called with an input of CheckoutSettings and produce an output of CheckoutActivityResult. Builder CheckoutActivityResult Represents result of CheckoutSettings Represents the checkout settings, providing access to the checkout id, payment headerTitle, payment brands and more. WpwlOptions This class provide API to add/fetch WPWL configuration. Builder CheckoutPaymentBrandConfig It helps in creating brandConfigs for the payment brands. -
Interface Summary Interface Description CardInfoUpdateListener The listener interface for card info update event in Samsung Pay custom payment sheet. Listener The listener interface for receiving completion events. OnBeforeSubmitCallback The OnBeforeSubmitCallback interface is designed to review and modify the PaymentDetails before submitting transaction. -
Object Summary Object Description CREATOR