Mobile Commerce SDK – iOS

Release Notes

Version 6.19.1

Resolved an issue that caused the application to crash when changing the orientation during the drop-in button flow.

SHA-256: 7b353a6f03a6897ebae0c3d7477f96b44341501b1f82238e1e22a994cb6b8625

Version 6.19.0

FraudForce library verified with version 5.7.0, minimum iOS version 15.0 required.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 781d0435b77572ecba3b87cd6bf0e4dfadff8b8737f6bab720b1f5f94d0ac13f

Version 6.18.0

Added support for AmazonPay payment method in mSDK for Ready-to-Use UI integration.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: fde45b8ae0a46f1cd85d3fdb15db21321b34c87d3c51d2a8d106fc49e677f403

Version 6.17.0

Added support for MobilePay payment method.

Updated Terms and Conditions link for IKANO Open Invoice payment method.

To prevent sensitive data from being copied, we have blocked the copy/cut context menu for the card holder name and expiration date.

Unified error codes for invalid checkout id in sync with Android.

Added support to handle nil for navigation controller in 3DS challenge completion callback.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: f50f486dfb808492f45eb9d144b3123f173494fa37d4e57e6fff109291fdf840

This version has a known issue while using the Ready to use UI button integration, in iOS. When a consumer clicks on the payment brand button (integrated) and changes the phone orientation on the payment screen, the app crashes. The fix for this issue is available from Version 6.19.1 onwards. 

Version 6.16.1

Added support to collect browser parameters during the Web 3DS authentication process.

SHA-256: 247811c53027b62b32b2644f6fb46cde5d34afc89e857965ede587f872a5e790

Version 6.16.0

Added support for AmazonPay payment method in mSDK for Your Own UI integration.

SHA-256: 902948ee811102f1b3fa57c43467f48d272f6e026d7bb79eabe15cb732f4ad8d

Version 6.15.0

Added support for Cash App Pay payment method.

Added support for Affirm payment method.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 15063a43a3b05a77064ac3f29b52e238a4f1cc99c30f7efb3b6470c68221a252

Version 6.14.1

Resolved NetworkManager naming collision issue.

SHA-256: 24eef560a2780a2b0429e64f79c4570f920c0d76ff49f9ca08f2b776cf47ae7f

Version 6.14.0

Resolved a crash issue in mSDK caused by the iOS 18 SDK update. We strongly advise adopting mSDK version 6.14.0 as it is designed to work seamlessly with iOS SDK 18 and Xcode 16. Continuing to use an older mSDK version with these latest tools may result in stability issues, which can be avoided by updating to mSDK version 6.14.0.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: f3fd5feb85c9acfbf2bcce4c3813da2994c3c212715a7dee386ff36074cc9476

Version 6.13.0

RTL alignment support for non RTL system languages.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 8b2adb381f2cf4a5cb1b684c6389939faa7d7925a2b1ac5b3306c0b11326564e

Version 6.12.0

Added support for Apple Pay recurring payment API.

iDEAL 1.0 payment method has been deprecated. Please use iDEAL 2.0 instead.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 9ef2237f4c220eed3dc5403fd14e5cd3dedb1c2c8c682aad00b5932ea479d6d4

Version 6.11.0

Addressed an issue where the `threeDS2Listener` was not being invoked for core integration type.

A specific issue related to Afterpay integration has been resolved.

To prevent sensitive data from being copied, we have blocked the copy/cut context menu for the card number field in the card detail form.

Added a privacy manifest file to the bundle.

The ipworks library has been updated to version 2.3.8845.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 6f3676323dffa13125d2c2bdf3dc84c5338443799d4143205f6ce483e738849e

Version 6.10.0

Added support for Clearpay payment method.

Updated the Apple Pay payment method to retrieve and submit billing address and customer information.

SHA-256: c850286e1b400efc7938d0bea68cabb59836c489711300542fb8875a309073f6

Version 6.9.0

Added support for iDEAL 2.0 payment method.

Added support for ACI Instant Pay payment method.

Fixed card information remains intact when user switches to another app.

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: fff4a48d7cf667513e9a393d96f98267750d753af513c2e1ffa49d7153456bde

Version 6.8.0

Updated the Afterpay Pacific payment method. Please refer documentation for integration details.

SHA-256: 278457fd5ce62e4669bf5547434b15b4934b2cb2426c3e0791a494207e002ab9

Version 6.7.0

Added support for BLIK payment method.

Updated the IBAN validation.

General improvements and bug fixes.

The feature that enables complete customization for UI components is currently in Beta. Please exercise caution when considering its implementation.

SHA-256: 0e7feca08ae734e4cd192fefe8ed1b50184cb799db1b1f3b0f9e958fd1538c54

Version 6.5.0

Updated ipworks_3ds SDK to version 2.3.8788.

SHA-256: 0fd43ca71b965b014e550d86dd674cf84febe05df42d34f702792481508f16f6

Version 6.4.0

General improvements and bug fixes.

SHA-256: 971b01ecaa456fef91cf1c620af6051fbc96439c6e1712d949f14437f66256bd

Version 6.3.0

Added support for Iovation FraudForce library version 5.5.0.

SHA-256: 9c2fa89679bfb89fd0bbf9dcbe1321f9c61a7f4a20c4083418174e1a97331609

Version 6.2.0

Improved ApplePay status handling.

SHA-256: 89aad277f26286c93730eb69dd4bd98e912737659ae7adc09a440ad00e83b425

Version 6.1.0

Added support for APPLEPAYTKN.

Added support for MBWAY.

SHA-256: 18e2340ee77c1260cf1e539a5a4e3e6889ab62b608cffa50ef7031f989fa0de6

Version 6.0.0

The iOS Version changed to 12.

General improvements and fixes.


Update from 5.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.

Version 5.7.0

Added version number to the 3DS SDK file names.

SHA-256: 3abcec3e2bc0e3a8ff5989ce8f9ef244a8001b6063ea444ed3d16fccb80d9eff

Version 5.6.0

Fixed ApplePay notification not been sent to Apple.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: 6f3ab0ebd3886be6a41239e2a0b7b5f40a696789e6c579cc8c6328e7f9acedee

Version 5.5.0

Removed Alipay support

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: 62e338663ededa99f91166fd17f7fa58b183861534f6adec4cc896db79453941

Version 5.4.0

Added support for COPYandPAY in mSDK

Added support for 3D Secure 2.x cardholderInfo.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: 1e8e251d947ceee7810e4bf3a529b45d543d74237f860167ce8dc34fea6f24bb

Version 5.3.0

General improvements and fixes.

Added support for optional expiry date.

SHA-256: 6e1787136db5ff893b2650379d59feccd2dd05ebb02428314ce97fe2aeb396b8

Version 5.2.0

Improved 3D Secure 2.x web flow.

Added support for Ready-to-Use UI ApplePay button styles.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: da62ed516fddabadcfd8025b20ed4330efb7d806ffa9e1706bca9fcc47896d29

Version 5.1.0

Fixed localization typos.

SHA-256: 94f0a7d90ffe518eb6e97ab5dca0e94a0c8c18c3dec6c0ea3a3f864384e8457e

Version 5.0.0

General improvements and fixes.

Cleaned up deprecated API.

SHA-256: f8c31b0713101b512e39ffa5173a0d87ba3e71a1a3141a89f44bb7e0c0a1db70

Update from 4.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.

Version 4.12.0

Simplified 3D Secure 2.x integration.

SHA-256: 8226bcdd91142ad0080865257eb61c05678f305ed60011dddbc4af9d667940f6

Version 4.11.0

Removed UncaughtException handler internal implementation.

Updated Klarna Mobile SDK to the version 2.4.0.

Added support for the following payment method:

  • Pay with Klarna (KLARNA_PAYMENTS_ONE)

Updated iovation FraudForce SDK to the version 5.3.0.

Updated internal card scanning implementation to support vertical cards layout.

SHA-256: ac6188d85cfc974e8d0e11cc0967c50fc4acf0a94bbf90fe0755d918fb47cff0

Version 4.10.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Ratepay Invoice.

Ipworks_3ds SDK is updated to the version 2.2.8318.

Added option for payment button customization.

Bug fixing and improvements.

SHA-256: c5dec1dcb5616ba5121bc8e3fd510938396e9271db4c03507b0d49c0af7e17e1

Version 4.9.1

Enhanced automation redirect for external MPI web flow via MPGS.

SHA-256: e353f313a8d134b1a6ca4a31978c63d25d2b2bfe846290e302d47e6fb619abc3

Version 4.9.0

Added option for asynchronous payment redirection.

SHA-256: 68a8a6e6c0b13041f7bbdff66e37f7b4fb51231a2d8d6af6e8da08c25ba56832

Version 4.8.0

Added support for external 3D Secure 2.x MPI.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: ed2ee8630f8fb973cd193f3b9a847765fee54b686703567636a48ae8f7850b40

Version 4.7.0

Added ability to align token based on payment brand list.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: 906a8f6d97ede29b954c576597cfa191e21956fe40c874650075749361a98d62

Version 4.6.0

Improved 3D Secure 2.x Out-of-Band (OOB) challenge flow.

Replaced card scanning library CardIO with internal implementation.

General improvements and fixes.

SHA-256: 9c2fe967d9edccaa8ed79f1fd57102f927c53ee68085af29cee94180e47eb00b

Version 4.5.0

Added support for external MPI web flow via MPGS.

Improved ApplePay integration.

SHA-256: 60032793ae7df99907f4a83097e2273b5aa87ab4858cd8edb78bbaac4cddfb97

Version 4.4.1

Fixed 3D Secure 2.x web flow.

Version 4.2.0

Added support for Vipps application.

Version 4.1.0

Enhanced OPPPaymentProvider to get additional information about specific card BIN.

Now the native Klarna Mobile SDK is not mandatory to support Klarna Payments.

General improvements and fixes.

Version 4.0.0

Moved 3D Secure 2.x extension into the base Mobile SDK.

Cleaned up deprecated API.

Update from 3.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.

Version 3.17.0

General improvements and fixes.

Version 3.16.0

Added support for collecting billing address with card payment.

Version 3.15.0

Fixed total amount view issue with Ready-to-Use UI.

General improvements and fixes.

Version 3.14.0

General improvements and fixes.

Version 3.13.0

Added support for alternative set of Test and Live domains.

Added new card brand detection presentation style.

General improvements and fixes.

Version 3.12.0

Added 3D Secure 2.x authentication for tokenization.

Added support for Xcode 13.

Fixed iOS 15 navigation bar issue.

Version 3.11.0

Improved Ready-to-Use UI integration with brands:
  • Bancontact - added integration with Bancontact link application.
  • iDeal - the ability to fetch list of banks from the server.

Version 3.10.0

Improved Apple Pay button integration with Ready-to-Use UI.

Version 3.9.0

Added support for VoiceOver.

Added support for landscape mode.

Version 3.8.0

Added support for Apple M1 chips.

Version 3.6.0

Fixed Hungarian localisation issue.

Version 3.5.0

Enhanced OPPPaymentProvider: ability to use brand detection for specific card BIN.

Added support for YooKassa payment with "SDK & Your Own UI" integration.

Added Czech, Hungarian, Slovak languages.

Version 3.4.0

Added support for 3D Secure 2.x browser-based authentication.

Version 3.2.0

Added Croatian, Romanian languages.

Version 3.1.0

Added Danish, Belgian Dutch, Belgian French languages.

Version 3.0.0

Migrated SDK from universal framework to XCFramework.
Cleaned up deprecated API.

Improved customization of Ready-to-Use UI strings. This is now controlled at the application level.

Update from 2.x.x is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.

Version 2.66.0

Added support for PayPal tokens.

Version 2.65.0

Added integration with the native Klarna Mobile SDK.

Version 2.64.0

Added Slovenian language.

Added Austrian German language.

Added Swiss French, Swiss German, Swiss Italian, Swiss English languages.

Added support for Xcode 12.

Version 2.63.0

Added required payment parameters for KG Inicis.

Brought back integration with Klarna Payments via redirection. Rolled back native inApp Klarna Payments SDK support.
Important: It's highly recommended to not use Klarna Payments method in versions of mSDK 2.59.0 - 2.62.0.

Version 2.62.0

Added native integration for 3D Secure 2.x.

Added Norwegian language.

Version 2.61.0

Added Korean language.

Version 2.60.0

General improvements and issue fixes.

Version 2.59.0

Added integration with the native Klarna Mobile SDK.

Updated Alipay SDK to the latest version – 15.7.4.

Updated iovation FraudForce SDK to the latest version – 5.1.0.

Version 2.58.0

Enhanced Ikano Private Label payment form: ability to hide account verification field enabled.

Version 2.57.0

Added check for unsupported brands in Ready-to-Use UI.

Added required payment parameters for Paytrail.

Version 2.56.0

Enhanced PaymentParams to send any server parameters.

Added Finnish and Polish languages.

Added support for Xcode 11.

Version 2.55.0

Added STC Pay payment method.

Version 2.54.0

Optimized card brand detection.

Version 2.53.0

Enhanced IKANO Open Invoice integration. Added support for presenting IKANO Open Invoice as part of payout options.

Version 2.52.0

Added Sweden and Serbian languages.

Version 2.51.0

Fixed issue of using the Japanese calendar as a system calendar.

Version 2.50.0

Fixed minor UI issue on payment selection screen.

Version 2.49.0

Added Ikano Private Label payment method.

Version 2.48.0

Added option for customizing logos in ready-to-use UI.

Removed collecting UUID which was sent as SHOPPER_deviceId criterion (it does not affect RedShield).

Version 2.47.0

Added Basque and Galician languages.

Version 2.46.0

Enhanced card brand detection in ready-to-use UI:
  • possibility to hide the list of detected brands.

Version 2.45.0

Enhanced card brand detection in ready-to-use UI:
  • new way to detect card brand based on bin list,
  • possibility to set preferred order of detected brands,
  • first brand is selected by default if multiple brands are detected.

Version 2.44.0

Added Canadian French language.

Version 2.42.0

Added Catalan language.

Updated Iovation flag.

Version 2.41.0

Added a new callback from Safari browser to handle browser close event.

Version 2.40.0

Fixed nullability warnings.

Version 2.38.0

Added the new supported banks for IDEAL.

Version 2.37.0

Fixed issue with logs.

Fixed amount string issue in Dutch localization.

Version 2.35.0

Added support for Xcode 10.

Added Dutch language.

Version 2.34.0

Updated Alipay SDK to the latest version – 15.5.9.

Version 2.33.0

Updated Klarna payment methods according to official style guidelines.

General improvements and issue fixes.

Version 2.32.0

Added support for the following payment methods:

  • IKANO Open Invoice

Version 2.31.0

Added support for the following payment methods:

  • MB WAY

Fixed a card brand detection issue.

Version 2.30.0

Added support for installment payments.

Version 2.29.1

Fixed support for eastern Arabic digits.

Version 2.29.0

Added a new callback from the payment form to override card holder validation.

Version 2.28.0

Minor issue fixed.

Version 2.27.0

Improved card holder validation. Not allow card number and CVV.

Version 2.26.0

Added automatic brand support.

Version 2.25.0

Added support for optional card holder name.

Added support for optional paymentBrand for card brands in step 2.

Version 2.24.0

Added support for sending shopperResultUrl in step 2 (submitting transaction to server).

Version 2.23.1

Added support for zero-amount transaction.

Version 2.23.0

Added support for displaying total amount on the checkout form.

Added Italian language.

Version 2.22.0

Added supports for collecting Apple Pay shipping and billing information.

Version 2.20.0

Added support for automatic card brand detection.

Added Chinese (Simplified) language.

Version 2.19.0

Added support for optional expiry date and CVV.

Version 2.18.0

Added support for Iovation SDK for calculating the device fingerprint.

Version 2.17.0

Added support for the following payment methods:

  • Mada

Version 2.16.0

Added and improved support for the following payment methods:

  • Klarna Pay Later
  • Klarna Slice It
  • Klarna Pay Now (Sofort)
  • BillPay
  • Paytrail
  • Przelewy24
  • PostFinance Card

Added support for right-to-left text.

Added Arabic language.

Version 2.15.0

Added support for the following payment methods:

  • Master Debit
  • Visa Debit
  • Visa Electron
  • Carte Bleue

Version 2.14.0

Improved brand detection and validation procedures.

Version 2.13.0

Added support for Maestro as a new payment method.

Added a new callback on the Mobile SDK which triggers before payment submission. This callback allows the mobile app to cancel the payment submit action.

Version 2.12.0

Added support for "create omni-token" workflow.

Fixed the conflict with Pushwoosh SDK.

Version 2.9.0

Minor changes.

Version 2.7.0

Corrected an issue where the last digit in the country code field for UnionPay SMS was grey-coloured.

Corrected an issue where the Mobile SDK did not appropriately handle an unexpected response from MasterPass.

Version 2.6.0

Added support for iPhone X, including Face ID Authentication.

From this version only iOS 9 or later is supported.

Version 2.5.0

Added Demo App for Developers.

Added full supporting of Bitcode.

Version 2.4.0

Added new supported countries (ES, IT, PL) for Sofort Banking.

Fixed scroll issue on card form on iOS 11 and fixed errors during publishing the app with the mobile SDK to App Store.

Update to 2.4.0 is mandatory.

Version 2.3.0

In version 1.9.0 SDK logging capabilities were added to assist troubleshooting. From this version, this information is sent up to the server, and made available via the Smart Payments Platform transaction log.

Version 2.2.0

Update for expiring certificates (9/2017 for the test system and 12/2017 for the live system).

IMPORTANT: Please note that apps using older versions will stop working when the old certificates expire.

Update to 2.2.0 is mandatory, see Migration guide.

Version 2.1.0

Added support for UnionPay SMS as a new payment method.

Version 2.0.0

As of this version, 3rd party libraries are not included. This keeps the SDK smaller, especially in the case where the 3rd party libraries are not needed. NOTE! Customers must now import required libraries as needed – please refer to the developer portal documentation for more information.

Update from 1.x.y is not mandatory, but recommended, see Migration guide.

Version 1.11.0

Added the capability to securely store and tokenize a card without making a payment at the same time.

Enhanced the ease of integration: The resourcePath URL is now returned in the step 2 response from the server so that it need not be constructed in step 3, but may be used as provided.

Server-side enhancements have been made to further support Apple Pay and Android Pay setup and management.

Version 1.10.0

Added French language.

Version 1.9.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Paydirekt
  • Multibanco

Added Spanish and Portuguese languages.

Added SDK logging capabilities – messages sent and received are logged, as well as configuration.

Version 1.8.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Klarna
The device UDID is now sent up to the server, and may be reviewed in logs and included in risk/fraud checks.

Version 1.7.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Masterpass

Drop-in buttons will now use stored credentials if available.

Fixed duplicate symbol error using AFNetworking framework.

Version 1.6.0

Enhanced the look and feel of the checkout screen that displays the payment method listing. The shop is shown in the background to provide a more seamless user experience, and the stored payment methods are displayed in a more compact and neater fashion.

Additional statistics are now sent up to the server platform, including the OS type and version, the handset device model, the mSDK version and an indicator of whether the mSDK uses a custom UI or the mSDK-provided UI. These parameters may be viewed at a transaction level through the Smart Payments Platform.

Version 1.5.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Dankort
  • Trustly
  • Giropay
  • Ratenkauf
  • Yandex

Version 1.4.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • Paysafecard
Enhanced the mSDK and the Smart Payments Platform so that payment methods can now be enabled / disabled in the Smart Payments Platform, allowing merchants to update the payment methods offered to shoppers without requiring an update to the mobile app.

Enhanced the validation of JCB card numbers.

Version 1.3.0

Added support for the following payment methods:
  • iDEAL
  • Boleto Bancário
  • JCB
Added support for device authentication, i.e. user authentication using the fingerprint scanner / Touch ID, or Password / Passcode before the payment is processed.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added support for Alipay as a new payment method.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added support for UnionPay Online Payment as a new payment method.
  • Added support for Drop-In Payment Buttons – any payment method can now be placed on any page in the merchant app – for example to support instant checkout of a particular product.
  • Added support for multiple checkout IDs – this supports the need to handle payment methods under different profiles so that (for example) different risk rules can be applied.

Version 1.0.1

Corrected an error whereby certain payment methods were not displayed when no stored payment credentials were available for the shopper.

Version 1.0.0

This is the first GA (Generally Available) release of the Mobile Commerce SDK.

Supported payment methods:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Discover
  • UnionPay ExpressPay
  • Sofort Banking
  • SEPA Direct Debit
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay

Supported features:

  • Tokenization of payment credentials
  • Store payment methods for future use
  • 3D Secure
  • Scan card using mobile device camera
  • Compatible with Objective C and Swift