
Class TransactionInfoJsonBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TransactionInfoJsonBuilder

    This class provides methods to build TransactionInfo in JSON format.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • setTotalPriceStatus

         TransactionInfoJsonBuilder setTotalPriceStatus(@NonNull() String totalPriceStatus)

        Required. Sets the status of the total price used: NOT_CURRENTLY_KNOWN: Use this property for a capability check. ESTIMATED: Total price might adjust based on the details of the response, such as sales tax collected that's based on a billing address. FINAL: Total price doesn't change from the amount presented to the shopper.

        totalPriceStatus - The status of the total price.
      • setCheckoutOption

         TransactionInfoJsonBuilder setCheckoutOption(@NonNull() String checkoutOption)

        Optional. Sets the checkout option, affects the submit button text displayed in the Google Pay payment sheet. DEFAULT: Standard text applies for the given totalPriceStatus (default). COMPLETE_IMMEDIATE_PURCHASE: The selected payment method is charged immediately after the payer confirms their selections. This option is only available when totalPriceStatus is set to FINAL.

        checkoutOption - The checkout option.