
Interface ITransactionListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface ITransactionListener

    Callback interface that propagates back status changes during a transaction execution. Important: The callback occurs in a different thread.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • transactionCompleted

         abstract void transactionCompleted(@NonNull() Transaction transaction)

        Indicates that a transaction has been completed.

        transaction - The executed transaction
      • transactionFailed

         abstract void transactionFailed(@NonNull() Transaction transaction, @NonNull() PaymentError error)

        Indicates that a transaction has not been executed successfully. The error contains more info about what went wrong.

        transaction - The executed transaction
        error - The error that occurred PaymentError
      • paymentConfigRequestFailed

         void paymentConfigRequestFailed(@NonNull() PaymentError error)

        Indicates that a checkout configuration request has not been executed successfully. The error contains more info about what went wrong. This callback is optional.

        error - The error that occurred PaymentError
      • imagesRequestFailed

         void imagesRequestFailed()

        Indicates that request for the images has not been executed successfully. This callback is optional.

      • binRequestSucceeded

         void binRequestSucceeded(@NonNull() Array<String> brands)

        Indicates that request for bin service to get payment brands for provided card bin has been completed. This callback is optional.

        brands - The array of payment brands
      • binRequestFailed

         void binRequestFailed()

        Indicates that request for bin service to get payment brands for provided card bin has not been executed successfully. This callback is optional